Bayesian Inference of Model Structure.
Bims constructs Markov chains over model structures defined by Dlps (Distributional Logic Programming programs).
The main intuition is that a DLP program can define the space of all possible
models and also assign a probability which reflects our
prior belief that a particular model explains the data. In addition to
composing such a program, the user must provide a function for calculating
the likelihood of the data given a model.
Bims can be installed from within SWI using its
package manager.
?- pack_install(bims).
And then load by :
?- [library(bims)].
Bims depends on a couple of packs. On first load, the user will be asked if they want for each dependent library to be installed.
Older versions of Bims also worked on Yap Prolog
There are 2 main prepared examples.
?- bims([]).
Runs 3 short example chains that learn classifications trees for the BCW dataset.
?- bims([models(bns)]).
Runs chains that learn Bayesian networks.
Also available in distribution directory doc/
packed sources: bims
sources on github bims
Nicos Angelopoulos
James Cussens
Invited talk
Invited talk at PLP 2015 (September 2015, Cork, Ireland)
Bayesian inference of model structure
When citing Bims use the following:
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens.
Distributional Logic Programming for Bayesian Knowledge Representation.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR).
To appear in Volume 80, January 2017, pages 52-66.
Available on-line August 26th, 2016.
Inference and Sampling
Nicos Angelopoulos, Sampling and probabilistic inference in D/Slps
In 10th Workshop in Probabilistic Logic Programming (PLP'23)
July 9th, 2023, London UK (slides: 23.07-PLP-Presentation-Nicos.pdf)
Papers using Bims
Earlier papers explaining technical aspects of Bims
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens
Bayesian learning of Bayesian Networks with informative priors.
Special issue on BN learning. Journal of Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
54(1-3), 53-98, 2008.
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens.
Tempering for Bayesian C&RTs.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML05), Bonn, 2005.
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens.
Exploiting Informative Priors for Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees.
Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July - August 2005.
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens.
Extended stochastic logic programs for informative priors over C&RTs.
In Rui Camacho, Ross King, and Ashwin Srinivasan, editors, Proceedings of
the work-in-progress track of the Fourteenth International Conference on
Inductive Logic Programming (ILP04), pages 7-11, Porto, September
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens.
On the implementation of MCMC proposals over stochastic logic programs.
In Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and LOgic
Programming Systems. Satellite workshop to ICLP'04, Saint-Malo, France,
Nicos Angelopoulos and James Cussens. Markov
chain Monte Carlo using tree-based priors on model structure. In Jack
Breese and Daphne Koller, editors, Proceedings of the Seventeenth
Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI-2001), Seattle, August 2001. Morgan Kaufmann.
Nicos Angelopoulos,
London, April 2017 - Decemnber 2024